I can feel the emotion pouring out of this one. That feeling of remorse and regret in clear, but with a hint of hope throughout. It's almost as if you made a lot of terrible mistakes you look back on with sadness, but you have hope because you are turning over a new leaf as you said.
Te chords progression and melody is simple and nice. Nothing over-the-top, but that is a good thing in this case. The introduction of the strings was a nice touch toward the end, though they were short lived. Dynamically, I like how you got louder at the climax. You need more softs, however, if you want to succesfully emulate a live piano. That, and perhaps use a bit of FL's automation capabilities to record in some subtle tempo changes. Also concerning mastering, a bit of reverb would have been nice in my opinion (Especially in the strings). Are you using the Roland Nice Piano soundfont I sent you a while back? This doesn't sound like it to me.
With a bit of tweaking in dynamics and mastering, this could be a very nice little piano piece. I'm not a fan of the pad at the end, though. Great job on this though!
PS. You totally are copying me. :P I busted out with "Tears of Remorse" recently, and now you are submitting a similar song with similar background. Even the piano/strings at the climax thing was something I did! Jeez man...You're killing me. xD At least the music is different. :)