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    186 Audio Reviews

    126 w/ Responses

    It's okay...

    It's alright, but it's really not impressive in any aspect. This loop is really nothing but a few seconds of chords. It did loop fairly smoothly though.

    I could see this becoming really interesting if you just added some melody as a musical foreground and then put in some more background instruments. This almost sounds jazzy to me; put in a Jazz Guitar, a Bass, an Alto Sax, some percussion, and you'll be set. :P


    This is a very beautiful song, I absolutely love the style! The strings are very nice as well. :) Percussion too, eh? This just keeps getting better!

    This song is nice, and I love the key changes and chord progression. I do think that the dynamics really could use some work though. Up until the end, the volume didn't change much in certain parts, and I felt that the piano notes you put stress on kind of made it sound strange. Usually the stress is on the downbeat, unless you're wrinting ragtime, but it really wasn't that big a deal. The ending was nice though.

    I really do love this song though, I think it has a lot of simplistic beauty to it in the piano. :) Very nice, just try to work on the dynamics a little bit perhaps. Nice work! 8.5/10, but I'll just give it a nine overall. ;)

    Bosa responds:

    Sorry about the hard keys. I was just getting so swept away in the music, my heart was pacing fast like a strong frail of wind that blows across your face and you immediantly feel its effects.

    I love all of the melodies!

    I like this one. :) I like the melody a lot, and there are some nice musical devices you've incorperated in there.

    Just as a note, I think there clarity could use just a little work, mainly in the lower tones, but I assume you are not yet completely familiar with mastering the Garritan? Either way, it's not that big of a deal.

    Anywho, as I said, I like some of the melodies a lot. I don't know a lot about the study of counterpoint, but I think that you nicely created some counter-melodies throughout. The very highest melody in the treble cleff toward the beginning was one I liked quite a bit.

    Out of the entire piece, I think the bass line could use the most work. It's not bad, but it, again, is a little muffled, and I feel was the melody lacking most. Not to say the melody wasn't good, I just didn't like it as much as the other counter-melodies in places. Also, try to maybe cut down on the pedal or something, because the bass does sound a bit over-pedaled or muffled in places.

    I did really like this etude though, mainly for the many different melodies going on at once. It wasn't too much to follow, though there was plenty to listen to the song various times and follow the different lines. That made this most enjoyable, in my opinion. There were some small instances were there was some clashing notes, but I'm just being picky by saying this, because it really wasn't all that noticable.

    So basically, my suggestions are to: Cut down on pedal use if possible, work on remastering, (mainly in the bass) and I'd also suggest trying to work just a little more on dynamics. Sometimes I felt one melodic line should have been brought out more clearly than the others, and that some should have been a bit quieter.

    Really nice job though, I enjoyed this one a lot! 9/10 :D

    SuperTonic64 responds:

    (Sorry it's taken me so long for the review, just got caught up in some matters concerning scholarships I'm going for. :P)

    As you have assumed, I am NOT good at Garritian yet...it will take some time. :P (Heck, I'm STILL learning more about FLstudio, and I've been using it since 2004!!!)

    The bass line melody does need some work, I'll admit that. :D I'll keep working on that to make it more melodic and powerful.

    That's what I love about classical music, so many elements going on at once, you can't pick them all out the first time! :D I have 3 main melodies in the piece, all with their own seperate variations. :)

    Okay, but I don't use a pedal when writing, I use a notation program to help me. (I'm still in the process of learning piano...:P), but I will fix those mastering problems. I will also take your advice about the dynamics, because I agree that they seem random at moments. :D

    Thanks for the awesome reviews! ^_^

    Good work!

    I really find myself fond of this song! It was nicely done, and the pizicatto (sp?) part was very nice. The piece was a bit short though, I would have liked more. :(

    Anywho, nice job and keep it up. I have no idea why it has such a low score. the "zero-voter" perhaps? It's happened to me as well...



    This one actually sounds semi-original. But only because of the fuziness in the background. I guess I'll assume that you didn't STEAL this one. :(

    Anyway, very nice playing, there is a lot of expression there. I love this song...It is so sorrowful. Amazing job with this one, but it almost sounds unfinished. I would have liked more...:(

    Not bad

    This one, I feel, was better done than some of your earlier pieces. Better samples, ect.

    I do think that you could have brought out the meody better in some places though. The beginning was pretty good, but it progressivly went downhill, though not extensively. I did like some of the strings.

    Good job. 7/10

    Roy00 responds:

    Thank you for youre review! I do indeed feel like this one was better done. I feel im getting better with every song!! LOL, i think... i'll take your suggestions. thanks again!


    Meh, it's not absolutely horrible, but as I pianist, I can't say it's exactly my cup if tea. (That IS an expression, right? Or am I just making that up...O_o...)

    Some of the notes were kind of dissonant. Some of the accidentals, or even just out of place notes within the scale, sounded out of wack. The song itself was a little boring and I don't think the harp really fit in some places. I actually did like some of what the harp did though. It was kind of nice and cheerful. :)

    Try incorperating something more interesting to keep it from being too repetitive. Maybe do an arpeggiated left hand or something, try to through in some sevenths...I don't know, but do try to make sure the notes don't clash too much.

    Sorry if I sound a little harsh, but I'm a pianist, and I'm not too into this one. I can see where you are going with this one though, and I think with some reworking it wouldn't be bad at all. :)


    Roy00 responds:

    Thank you so much for your review. and you're right, the song is boring. when i begin a song i have no idea whats coming into my head; i just write! but this was just some melody i thought i wanted to get out. Thanks again!

    A lot of meaning in here...

    In itself, this song is very dramatic and beautiful, full of merits. Paired with the scriptures though, it takes on a much deeper meaning to me.

    This piece very well fits verse 45 and 46 especially. Betrayal, and at the hands of a close discliple. I really think that you have a God given gift with your music.

    On the music side of things, this work is very dramatic and reminescent of th eversus I read. You've doine a nice job of portraying Jesus at Gethsemane. I would have imagined it a bit different musically, but I think your song is also a great portrayal.

    The choir was easily my favorite thing in there. Nothing too over the top, but at the same time, full of emotion and beauty. The strings were very well done as well, and the percussion only complimented the song further. I would LOVE to hear this performed or at the least redone with a good sound library!

    You've done a wonderful job and truly have a lot of tallent! Keep up the amazing work, and God bless!



    It most certainly is an interesting story! I would never have guessed the ending...Th hero...Dying? Ah well, I'm here to review the music, not the written story.

    I really ejoyed the song a lot! There was plenty of up beat, battle-like chords and percussive elements, and I loved the low bell that would chime in every so often. Even some of the instruments lend to a slightly metalic feeling, but not in a huge way. I loved the building up, dynamics, and variety within the song. Very cinimatic! :)

    I really enjoyed the story and song. Though I would imagined a very different story from the music, I can see how you really tried to illustrate your's. Great job, 10/10! :D

    PS. I love the laugh that comes in midway, that was cool. :P

    MaestroRage responds:

    The hero has been winning these fights for too long I say! It's high time some evil doer came downeth on their face like Thor's drunk hammer on wenches of yester years >:(!!!

    As for the laugh, surprisingly I had somebody say it bothered them, but I personally needed it there as a staple for the song's story!

    In any case i'm glad you found the story entertaining. Thank you for your review ^^.

    Not bad...

    Hmm...Not bad. There are some things I like a lot; the woodwinds, the lower strings, some of the little things like that. I really have a huge problem with the highest set of strings though. They are often in a major key, which is misleading when compared to the lower instruments and even the title of this song. It is kind of bothering my ears to hear it.

    Also, it just keeps repeating the exact same progression without much of anything else. It is also kind of short. My suggestion would be to change the upper strings to a more minor set of notes, throw in another section to lengthen in and add some variety, and possibly change the title. It just doesn't fit the song, IMO.

    Like I said earlier, not bad...But not great either. This was okay, but I think it could be a good deal better. 6/10

    mgear responds:

    Ok thanks

    Trevor Crookston @BlazingDragon


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