Repetitive, but emotionally driven
I like this song a lot, because in some small way, I can liken it unto how I've felt many times before. The sorrow and emotion that comes with it is touchhing.
It isn't your best work IMO, but I like it nonetheless. The harp kind of threw me off, as I expected it to go in a different direction, but it worked out in the end. I wasn't a huge fan of the choir in the beginning for some reason...It just didn't feel right to me.
My favorite part was probably when the brass came in. I do think that the harp and choir gets a bit repetitive over a while though. The melodic instruments do change around every so often, and you employed some light percussive elements, but as a whole, I would have liked more harmonic variety. A change up in the chord progression or something like that would have been nice, as it did kind of drag on.
Good job on it as a whole, though. There was a nice amount of reverb (Maybe slightly too much in the higher intruments and brass, it sounded sort of mucky) and the mastering wasn't bad. My older brother walked in the room and started listening with me when he heard it from a different room, even. He really enjoyed it.