I love the emotions this piece evokes. While I don't get any one specific image, I almost imagine a place near the sea due to the oboe sound.
I like the chord progression, but some of the notes in the harp simple rub me the wrong way. I can't give specifics, but it sounds slightly too dissonant for me at times. That aside, I like the harp line quite a bit. The strings create a nice backdrop, though I urge you to get some better samples! The harp is fine, but I feel the strings aren't very organic. They are a bit dry in my opinion, so I would suggest adding just a touch more reverb. For a free sample, I've really found myself to like SquidFont Orchestral lately. The detached violin patch on that soundfont would sound phenomenal with the section starting at 2:03. However, the actual arrangement of the strings is very melodic and beautiful aside from the sample issues. It almost has a slightly oriental flavor at one point.
My favorite aspect of this song is probably the echoing harp at 1:38. When the texture thins at 2:04 and the harp is more exposed in its "echoing", I have a suggestion. Take the second of each harp note (the echoed one) and lower the volume slightly. This creates a kind of swaying feel in my opinion, and really simulates a real echo. That aside, I don't have any advice, really, with the exception of the ending. For such a dark and flowing piece, I feel that the abrupt stop simply doesn't fit.
Lovely job on this! I love the flowing harp, beautiful string melodies, and subtle variety. The beginning was dark, but the phrase beginning at 3:02 is quite a bit more relaxed. I can't wait to hear more of your work! :D
PS. If you are interested in the Squidfont Orchestral soundfont, I can PM you a link. It's free, and quite good with minor tweaking! :D