Hey all! I'm insanely busy as of late due to college, work, etc, but I wanted to make a news post and express some of the thoughts that have been bouncing around in this head of mine.
First off, I just want to say that you are the best. Yes, you, the person reading this right now. You're awesome!
I would like to thank everyone who has followed my music, left reviews, commented on my posts, messaged me with encouragement, and supported me in my musical endeavors. When the going gets tough and I start to wonder who the heck I am to think someone might like my music, you guys are the force that drives out my doubt and leaves me inspired. I truly mean that. :)
It's funny, really, to think about how many followers I have. I mean, really, I'm a community college student in Kansas. That's right, Kansas (you know, the place where Dorothy lives and people do nothing but watch corn grow). In real life, I'm pretty much like anyone else. I've got friends, a day job, classes, homework, and chores. I constantly wonder what I'm going to do with my life and if I have what it takes to really pursue music. Heck, most of my friends don't even know that I write music!
Out in the 'real world', you might say that I'm your regular, angsty 20-year-old. I've got typical 20-year-old problems, like wondering how to talk to that girl, or trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to pay for college. On Newgrounds though, it's totally different.
I started an account as a 13-year-old, and I was horrified at the prospect of people telling me my music sucked. Hardly knowing anything about music at the time, I wrote a few pieces by relying on pure intuition and finally built the courage to post them. Reviews came in slowly, but they were positive. Almost entirely positive, and getting that kind of feedback was addictive. So I made more. Pretty soon, my music somehow ended up in a few games and flash videos. Even a few big ones. I got more exposure, and I kept making more music. Now, I've received hundreds of thousands of listens on here, over 1,500 reviews, countless messages, and I've made tons of friends and connections.
Some of the reviews that I get blow me away. I've lost track of how many preteens have proclaimed that my musical genius exceeds that of Bach (HA, that's funny!). One guy said that my music gave him the will to live while battling testicular cancer. Others told me that I inspired them to take up piano lessons.
My first inclination used to be telling myself that these people are just joking around or that they must not have even been exposed to good music. Why else would they be giving these kind of comments? Over the years though, I've grown a lot in my musical ability, and I've shrugged off a lot of the silly self-doubt that seems to come with being a teenager. There have been SO many times that I've thought I should stop writing music, but you guys have always been here to prop me up and propel me forward.
It blows my mind to see comments from people around the world. Chile. Argentina. Brazil. Canada. China. The U.K. South Korea. Australia. Finland. The list goes on. Here I am, a regular Joe out in Kansas, and people from all around the world are messaging me and saying how much they love my music. They often include a meek apology about wasting my time, as if I'm some sort of mega-celebrity game music composer who has thousands of letters of fan mail to have my personal secretary sift through. xD
The truth of the matter is that I'm a normal human being like anyone else, and, if I am to be authentic, I often struggle with questions about my future. I've been thinking as of late that perhaps I should stop kidding myself about being a composer, get a 'real' job, and start being 'realistic' about my future. But then I think back to you guys. All the wonderful comments you've left. The faith that you've put in me. And I think to myself, "You know what, Trevor? You can do this. Everyone else believes in you. Maybe you should believe in yourself."
So thank you all for giving me the strength to believe in myself. Life is crazy busy as of late, and I haven't had much time to write music. I haven't given up, though. It might be a couple more months before I really start pumping out more work, but I want to let you all know that Newgrounds is special to me and that I haven't forgotten about it.
Once again, you guys are the best. <3
First and foremost, thanks for the heartfelt post, BD. I think you should continue to follow your wants and desires regarding music. I only need to look at what has happened to you over this past year to qualify that statement.
You were in a pretty nasty accident where one (both? can't remember) hands were either broken or severely injured. You battled back from that and used the piano as one of your rehab tools (and gave us great improv pieces to show for it - "For Now, Goodbye" is my fav of those). Someone who has and uses that type of motivation should, indeed, follow up on it. Take care can't wait to hear more from you with what remains of this year and into next year.
~~Theatr (Sho)
Hey Sho, thank you for taking the time to read my post and reply. You really inspired me with that!
For a few months after breaking my hand, I was afraid my piano skills would never return. They're now back and even better than before! :)