I must apologize to all of my beloved supporters and fans. In the past, I always made the claim that I'd respond to every single review, and I did for a long time. After Power Star 4 though, my review count shot through the roof, and I became overwhelmed. Since then, I have become very lazy about responding.
However, I decided to go back and respond to every one. Now, I have responded to over 1,200 reviews! Things have slowed down, and new reviews are trickling in at once or twice a week. I believe that this is because of my sluggishness in responding and the lack of consistent music for some time. I am renewing my commitment to respond to each review that comes my way to the best of my ability, and I shall be composing much more!
All of the support that I have received from the Newgrounds community has touched my heart and inspired me. Some of the reviews have been astounding and nearly moved me to tears. I can't tell you how much I appreciate them.
On a slightly different topic, message me your email address if you would like any sheet music for free! I'd be happy to send it your way. Also, I am taking requests for projects, flash or otherwise. And if you just want to talk, shoot me a message and we can swap skype names! :)
Again, thank you all for your support. I love you guys! :D
Trevor Crookston (BlazingDragon)