In the last week or two I've come out with three songs. That's pretty much a record for me! :O
I would really appreciate it if you guys would check them out and give me input. Whether it be brutally honest or totally encouraging, I will take whatever criticism/advice you have to offer. And remember, I respond to each and every review, and usually even look at each reviewers profile and listen to this/her stuff. Again, I would love to hear what you have to say about my music!
Celtic Dreaming
Heaven's Tears
Unattainable Freedom(My new song! renamed it just now from "The Conflict Within")
In other news, my song "Ambient Evening" remains #13 on the front page for the week, and I've got over 3,000 listens and 39 reviews! I never imagined that this short loop would get such positive attention. I am blown away continually by the incredible reviews you guys leave. It is more encouraging than you might realize, and I just want to state how much it means to me! Also, I've been told that one of my older songs is going to be used in a flash in the near future. I'm really excited about it, and will post the link when it comes out.
Thanks again for all the support, you guys are amazing!