Your a cool guy! Its awesome to meet a fellow Christian and artist (although I don`t do music, I do movies) and stuff.
Hope things are going well. Booya!
You have awesome talent, maybe one day, I`ll get the chance to use your music in my movie! If I do then I`ll ask you of course and stuff, have a wonderful day.
Not to worry. I am in the storyboarding process of the full reel animation with one of your songs in it :). Plus, I need to pm you in regards of something, which hopefully keep ya occupied... Maybe just maybe (if everything works out to plan), I may ask you to compose a music score for something in the near future. :)
I am really looking forward to this, because it seems you are putting a great deal of effort into your flash. Most of the work my music has been in has been short and seemed very unprofessional or just plain random. :P
I would love to compose for anything you need!